Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bookbinding Workshop in Logan, UT

Ten Book Workshop

October 26th and 27th, 2012

Postponed to November 9th and 10th, 2012!
8am - 4pm

Logan, UT
---Tippetts Balcony in the Fine Arts building on the USU Campus---

NOTE: This workshop is not just for students. Anyone in the community is welcome to come!

All students are required to bring a basic tool kit. We will have bonefolders and awls that you can purchase for a low price available at the workshop.

  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Bonefolder
  • Bookbinding Awl
  • Xacto Type Craft Knife
  • Cutting Mat
  • Metal Edged Ruler
  • Glue Brush (we recommend a 1" flat brush)

All other materials for the projects made will be provided by us for this 2 day workshop.

Each student has the opportunity to create and keep 10 different books. Historic and contemporary styles of books, bookbinding tools and techniques are discussed.

We will cover the basics of bookbinding for beginners, but students of all skill levels are welcome.

The ten book structures are:

  • Single Sheet Book 
  • Chapbook 
  • Japanese Stab Bound Book 
  • Flower Fold Book 
  • Accordion Book with Pockets and Sewn Signatures 
  • Hinged Ledger Book 
  • Circle Accordion Book
  • Softcover Leather Longstitch Book
  • Hardcover Longstitch Book
  • Tapes Bound Book (A Traditional Hardcover Book) 

Registration Closed for this Class


  1. jealous. i wish i lived closer. have fun!

  2. what is the fee for this class?

    1. It shows when you click the "Pay Now" Button but it's $100 for this one in Logan. The fee includes all the materials for the ten books as well as some other materials/tools we provide for you.
