Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bookbinding Video - Kickstarter Project

Edit: Our kickstarter project didn't reach the funding goal, so our video project is on hold for now. It's still in the works, but will just be delayed 6-12 months. Stay tuned!

Our bookbinding video kickstarter project is live! After almost three full days of being live, we are 8% funded by 22 backers. If you haven't heard of kickstarter, it is a way to fund creative projects and in a nutshell it works like this:

Plan a project, create a webpage on that describes the project, offer rewards to people who pledge money to support the project, collect funds, create project, distribute rewards. If our funding goal is not met, nobody pays. It's all or nothing.

Details may be found on our project page is here.

Not only will this fund our initial Ten Book Workshop bookbinding video, but it will allow us to create future videos, some for sale, and many offered free on this blog.

If you would like to pledge, or even if you could simply spread the word however you like, via Twitter, Facebook, blog, or with good old fashioned face to face conversation, that would be great!

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