Monday, May 23, 2011

So many things!

So many things going on lately. Daniel went to L.A. for a photo shoot this last week. I'll have to do a post later this week on that as it made me want to get into photography.

We rearranged the apartment while he was gone. I mean completely rearranged. The boys and I switched bedrooms and I moved the studio shelving and tables around to create a better workflow area.  I wanted it done by the time Daniel got back but we weren't even close to getting it done! He's been helpful in finishing up things though! Hopefully this week it will be finished (pleeease?!!) and I'll have pics up of the new studio.

I've been teaching like mad lately and I have another three classes this week. I really do love teaching and I hope my students enjoy the classes. Sometimes, you never really know unless they flat out say "I enjoy your classes."

One of the biggest sellers in our shops right now happens to be the soft cover 9" x 12" books. We have 14 different leather colors to choose from. My favorite of these large books so far has been a butter yellow leather cover with black linen thread. I know we have a photo of it somewhere but I can't find it right now...another day perhaps.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow it sounds as if you've been as busy as me! I was also teaching this weekend - showing a group of 9 to 14 year-olds how to make sock monkeys! It was good fun - and they did tell me they had enjoyed it, which was cool.
    You could ask your students to fill in a short "Course/Workshop Evaluation" at the end of their day/course? It's something I have been asked to do often - and the Club I teach at asks the children to do this too. It is good to get feedback. They ask if the student enjoyed the course, what was their favourite thing, their least favourite, if they thought anything could be changed or improved, if they had any other comments, whether there was anything else they'd like you to teach. Would that help you?

    I do like the journals you make, in the 9" x 12" size. A leather-covered book is very special somehow and your choice of colours is fabulous - especially as the binding can be wonderful colours too!
    Would love to see that photo of the yellow & black version.
    Have a good week!
