Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What do you want to learn more about?

Last Spring, I started blogging weekly for the BEST (Bookbinding Etsy Street Team) Blog. My weekly posts were only done for about 2 months. I could give excuses as to why they stopped but the truth of it comes down to...I'm not sure what I need to write about. There's a lot I can say and I'm just not sure where to focus my posts. Here are My Past Blog Posts on Selling Your Handmade Books if you want to check them out.

So...Today, I'm asking for feedback. I'd love a list of topics that you'd like me to write about. I'll take them one by one and research and write as much I know each Tuesday which will be posted here on my blog as well as the team blog. Let me know what you'd like to learn about most!

I would love specific questions as well as general ideas of what you'd like to know more about to help boost your business.


  1. I really enjoyed your posts, and found them to be some of the most informative and useful posts on the BEST blog. I really hope you'll continue to write them. I enjoyed your craft fair posts, and I'd also be interested in posts about the business side of things like running a profitable business and making the leap to being a full-time self-employed artisan.

  2. I always enjoy your posts too and also find them very informative and interesting. It's always great for me to read about how other binders work and their alternatives to how I work. Particularly I enjoy your bookmaking tips and experiences. Keep them coming and I look forward to reading them! :)

  3. I really admire your work in making books...an occasional tutorial on maybe just a different spine sewing or some tips you have learned over the years. Also, all your expertise on the business side.
    I find your blog very inspiring and informative.

  4. Your posts were great and I too hope you will continue. Perhaps once a month would be more doable for you, weekly can be a little stressful I'm thinking.

    I'd like to see some posts on using leathers. When I try to buy leather, or use leather I get all lost in the jargon of the "skin trade" so to speak.

    Also, you seem to have a busy book filled life and just simple posts on what you are doing, the current "mammoth" project, maybe about how you adapted your work to the new home, studio ideas, all this would be of interest.

    Thanx for sharing whatever you can, Duane @ Surfbunny

  5. I love your posts! I know it's a big time commitment and I appreciate your efforts.

    I like your business tips, and also vote for glimpses of different stitch techniques, whether it's a tutorial or not. It would be inspiring to just see them (but even better to know how to do them!).

  6. I love your posts! I would like to learn more about the future of nanotechnology and how it pertains to book making. i would also like you to demonstrate a good stitch for a Kindle.

  7. Karleigh, I am interested in everything you post! So far my favorite has been "Are you prepared for success?" on 11-8-10.

    I always love seeing images of people's studio and would appreciate any information you have on finding and working with wholesale suppliers.

    Thanks for offering so much of your knowledge!

