Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bookbinding Classes

I'm teaching a bookbinding class that starts in just one week. It will be every Thursday Night for the next month. This one is at Snow College in Ephraim, UT. I plan on doing several classes and workshops throughout this year. If you'd like me to come to your area and know of a good place that would host me, please let me know :)

Here's the flyer information for the class:

Make Your Own Journals and Sketchbooks!
Bookbinding Class (non-credit)
February 25th - March 18th
Thursdays 6-9 pm
We’ll learn how to make 10 different styles of books including Japanese Stab Bound, Rustic Leather Long Stitch and Pop-Up Books!

Class Description:

Beginning Bookbinding
Each student will create 10 different books throughout the course. Each book will be unique in style/design/materials. We'll be learning about bookbinding tools, techniques and about historic styles and contemporary styles of books.

Class Fee is $75 which INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS for the ten books, as well as some bookbinding tools. Students are required to bring their own ruler with metal edge, an Exacto-type craft knife with extra blades, a pencil and scissors.

How To Sign Up:

ANYONE can take this class including students and community members. You may register at the Continuing/Community Education Office located in the Greenwood Student Center, Room 141, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Or you may call 283-7320 and request to be put on the class list. You must pay for the class at the Cashiers Office on the second floor of the Greenwood Student Center by the first day of class. The Cashiers Office will be open prior to the start time of the first class so you may pay before coming to class. You may contact me with more questions about the class by emailing:


  1. If you come to Utah County, put me at the top of your list! Come soon. What do you look for in a space to hold classes?

  2. I do plan on coming to Utah County. I'm looking at options for places for larger classes (springville, provo's covey center, Provo or Orem Library?)

    I can do smaller classes in your home though. I just require that 5 people attend the class and you can pick the book(s) that you want to learn.

    As far as room goes, everyone would need at least a 2' x 2' space of table to work on. I have two tables I bring (6 ft and 4 ft) and a kitchen table or other table would work well with that.

    I plan on doing a write up soon on prices to learn each style and class options. And I'm still looking at venues around :)

  3. And Amy, I'm so glad you read my blog :)

  4. Unfortunately, Utah and/or Idaho are a bit far for me - BUT, I wanted to tell you that your instructional videos have been, pretty much, the best I've seen. Really great! I think you should offer an online class - hey, I'd pay $50-$75 for it..just something to consider (though I know you're busy; I'm a mom too!)
